Miller Electric Mfg. Co. 1635 W. Spencer St., P.O. Box 1079 Appleton WI 54912-1079 U.S.A. Tel:+1-920-7349821 FAX:+1-877-3278132
Company Web site Homepage microsites: http://Miller-Electric-Mfg.all
Aluminum MIG Welder from Miller Dedicated to Aluminum Welding Applications Feb. 21, 2013Miller Electric Mfg. Co. has introduced the new Millermatic® 350P Aluminum MIG welder, the first dedicated aluminum welding power source with a new true torque push-pull design, electronic wire spool brake, Trigger Schedule Select and synergic capabilities in both MIG and Pulsed MIG weld settings.... more
MIG Welding System accommodates multiple wire types Mar. 16, 2010Miller's new Invision(TM) MPa Plus System eliminates the need to purchase multiple wire feeders when MIG or pulsed MIG welding with aluminum, stainless steel and other wire types ... more
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